
Showing posts from April, 2018

Whats new?

Hey there. I spent spring and summer of 2017 enjoying feeling more human.  I was losing weight, exercising and able to move more and more with less pain. Life is a complicated beautiful sometimes messy journey isn't it? I was doing so much better, and then just like that I wasn't. It's been about 9 months since I woke up one day and something just snapped. I have gone back to all my specialists, and added a few new ones. For this moment, we have ruled out Cushing's. I have some elevated proteins in my blood, and elevated light chains... We are working on figuring out how those play into how I am feeling. I have extreme fatigue, and just really wore out. I have to do some re-testing in the next month and half, and am hopefully that will lead to concrete answers. Spring is here, and although the weather has yet to behave like its spring- I sure am hopefully that with spring comes new answers, and puts me back on track to healing. I have st