Spring Brings Signs Of New Beginnings...Remaining HOPEFUL.

For those following, I just wanted to keep you updated!

On Tuesday April 2nd 2013, I had a biopsy done of a nodule they found in my thyroid.

My little brother came to my house to help me with the kids so Matt didn't miss work.

The nodule was in the back of the gland so they had to jab a needle in and press and jab jab jab 6 separate times. It was extremely painful,  and I was so shook up I had my brother in law pick me up because I was to upset to drive.  My throat hurt for over a week.

Thankfully we've learned results were benign.
I had a phone appointment with Dr Friedman on April 13th & he has ordered extensive testing both in May&June for me.

He calmed my fears and told me he firmly believes that all be feeling much better as the months go by and we get some of these things fixed:
1. Severely low Vit D.
Some people can do high doses once in a life time, and some half to stay on a considerable amount for a lifetime...it's something within the genetics and I only have one kidney and that contributes too...
2. Severely low Iron.
3. Low Thyroid Function
4. Recover from surgery I am just 4 short months out and should ease up on how much I do.  
5.Being on quite a bit of Hydro is prohibiting weight loss along with the other above mentioned, so when I can--wean. :( 
He 100% does not believe I have MEN-1 or 2. 

He feels the nodule in thyroid is from the Hashimotos, and the enlarged parathyroids is from the over working glands because of the Low Vit D.
So I have a strict regiment I'm to follow for getting my iron and vitamin d up.  hes switching thyroid meds and up ing the dosage and were having an appointment come the end of June or so.
I do really feel a lot better about the whole situation.   Hes a sweet man.  I started to cry and said Dr Friedman I just want to feel better really, I do and beside a few things here or there I just don't feel better...he said "Meagan you just had surgery 4 short months ago this recovery takes time take it easy on yourself, don't push yourself don't do to much...and you have a lot of other things contributing...lets fixs those and youll start to feel a difference.  I promise." He also stated that he was happy to see that my cortisol labs are coming back consistent with a CURE!

To wrap up, I just want to say what I believe:

I believe God will see me thru this difficult time of recovery, I believe His hand is in everything that has blessed me and gotten me to this point! I believe when I am weak, it is then He who makes me strong. I don't believe that if I prayed harder, went to church more, believed more, or been a "better" person that I would have been healed! I believe God is a loving God, and by his mercy and grace I am saved. I'm alive! I don't believe he "gave" me this as much he GIVES me the strength to make it thru! If Im cured, healed or still fighting it doesn't mean I'm better/worse then the next person in their faith....after all it's FAITH the size of mustard seeds that can move mountains!

“When the world says give up, Hope whispers…Try it one more time.”
                                  Never giving up~ Meagan


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