Looking for the Silver lining...

3 years. 54days & counting...

I was so excited in December of 2014 when I woke up on my 29th Birthday to a beautiful package at my door. GH had arrived and boy was I thrilled!!   I knew the process & realized it could take sometime before noticing any subtle changes and I was ok with that.  Was there some disappointment? You bet!  Having to wait 6-9 months maybe even a year for something to help is a while to wait but I was oh so grateful and filled with joy that I could finally start!

In January 2015 my insurance changed.  I was no longer allowed to get a prescription from an out of network dr.

January 2015
All that work to get the prescription.  All the calls.  All of it shattered, and gone. 

Onward and upward.

In March I decided to get back at finding a local endocrinologist.  After waiting two months to hear back I finally got into one in Greenbay.  The moment I saw him I knew I was going to regret it.  He was arrogant, wanted to argue my previous diagnosis and didn't want to help me with the present.  

The truth is:
Agree or not with the surgery I had, I had it. & regardless I had 1/3 of my pituitary gland removed along with the tumor and abnormal cells.
As I get farther from surgery I was starting to feel "better". However the longer I go without GH I feel like certain things are getting worse again and others still remain.

In July 2015 insurance told me that the UW of Madison was now in network and I would have to go there before going back to Milwaukee where I had surgery etc... 

So I sent them my info and waited and waited 
They finally got back to me stating they couldn't help me with my pituitary problems they could help w my thyroid but as far as Growth hormone was concerned no one there would be prescribing that as they don't know why I had the surgery in the first place.

As of November 2015 I'm nobeing seen at Aura in Milwaukee (different then where I had surgery) & found someone willing to help and listen. She ran a couple tests and has found I'm severely deficient in GH and has no idea why someone wouldn't help me. She was appalled by the mental anguish I've been thru and the neglect in aftercare

Sometimes youre just SOL. Sometimes you just are and I get that. I understand that. I refuse to believe that I AM THERE YET, I refuse to believe that this is my "new normal". Rare  exists. Here I am.  

We've now run into another hick-up.  I finally after many errors by the pharmacy got GH Dec 31st 2015!
With Matts job change, if group insurance is offered no matter the cost, I have to take group coverage...  So as of 1/1/16 we went on to group coverage and are now appealing my denial for medication.  

Once again I got medication for a month and then had to stop.  It's beyond exhausting and aggravating.  I feel depleted.  I feel like all the work, the fight...all of it was in vain.  It's not that I want to be on a medication.  
This hormone helps  sustain life and the quality to it!

Here I wait...


  1. This is absolutely awful and down right disgusting that healthcare in our country is more about the greed of the mighty dollar than the care of the patient. I CAN NOT understand why the mentality within the medical society is so dead set in NOT realizing the importance of GH and Cushing's. It is absolutely ridiculous and should be a crime what they put patients through.

    1. Erica,
      You are absolutely right! I started GH a week ago today!! I will post an update soon! It took an appeal, but we did it!! 😀


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