A taste of something sweet...

I finally officially started GH & have been on it for 7 months.
Around the 5th month I really started noticing more positive changes however not quite enough.

Dr Valika and I checked my levels and they are still not anywhere near optimal so she increased them just about a week ago.

I have met a wonderful pain specialist who's helping me w my leg/feet pain.
Overall I have gone through so much, and can't believe I am where I am.
I'm beginning to lose weight, Ive lost 10in off my stomach alone. My sleep has improved,

It's amazing what finally getting some of the hormones balanced will do.
Although GH takes a while to build up and it's still not at an optimal level it's getting better.

In balancing hormones and taking the edge off of pain I've really been able to do more and be more active.

I still have my days.
I don't want anyone to think everything is 100%.  I'm just finally closer to my "new normal".
For once, in a VERY long time things are finally going in the right direction.


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